How delightful the sleep that follows this self-examination --

How delightful the sleep that follows this self-examination -- how tranquil it is, how deep and untroubled, when the soul has either praised or admonished itself, and when this secret examiner and critic of self has given report on it’s own character! I avail myself of this privilege, and every day I plead my cause before the bar of myself. When the light has been removed from my sight, and my wife, long accustomed to my habit, has become silent, I scan the whole of my day and retrace all my deeds and words. I conceal nothing from myself, I omit nothing. For why should I shrink from any of my mistakes, when I may commune thus with myself: β€œ 'See that you never do that again; I will pardon you this time. In that dispute, you spoke too offensively...’”"